The Semester in Retrospect

The Semester in Retrospect

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         Throughout this semester, part of our curriculum was to maintain weekly blog posts that touched on concepts we discussed in class or topics from our own research. It was an interesting activity, and I have never written a blog before this class. I am a decent writer and enjoy writing about topics and concepts that interest me. As I was keeping up with my blogs, I noticed that my level of interest concerning a specific post increased or decreased depending on the topic. If it was something that interested me, I enjoyed detailing my opinions on it and thinking more deeply into it. However, if I was uninterested it was somewhat of a chore to compile my thoughts on the subject and attempt to make my post engaging or thoughtful.
        In the future, I could see myself having a personal or professional blog. The concept is new to me, as I have never really considered blogging. But I think it could be a useful tool for refining my writing skills and expanding my writing platform. It is a possibility that I could use my blog as a way to spark a career or document my daily thoughts or opinions about topics. I hope to someday travel for my job, so I could attempt to begin a travel blog that would incorporate pictures and short posts about my adventures.
         On a separate note, I would recommend to those who take this class in the future to find topics that interest them when writing their blogs. It makes it much more enjoyable and stimulating because you can intelligently articulate your thoughts and opinions about a relevant topic. It is important to understand issues in society today, and the blog posts do aid in maintaining some knowledge about current affairs and controversies. In writing the blogs, students are encouraged to research relevant topics pertaining to our society and laws, which is important in order to be a competent, engaged student.


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