Diffusion of Innovations

Diffusion of Innovations

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        At the age of 13 I asked my mom for the permission to get my first social media account of my life: Instagram. My middle school peer group had recently become infatuated with the site that allowed them to share pictures of their lives in a way that had never existed before. The concept of "likes" had become a fad and we all slowly became addicted to it. Since its debut in 2010, Instagram has been updated and remodeled countless times. Its users have developed its purpose and ultimately controlled the way Instagram has penetrated and influenced our society 
       As of late, the purpose of certain social media platforms have taken interesting turns in the way they are used to communicate information. Specifically, Instagram has been altered to showcase its potential for various uses. 
       The original purpose of Instagram, according to CEO Kevin Systrom,  "...is about capturing and sharing the world’s moments" (Wilson 7). Although that fundamental principle continues to drive the social media platform today, many new uses and concepts have manifested.
       It is now common to see a blue checkmark next to certain profiles of famous or recognized individuals. Actors, singers, politicians, or even those who have simply established a stronger-than-usual social media presence are granted the power of the blue checkmark. This gives some kind of validity to the influence of Instagram as a whole. They can deem certain people more valuable than others. 
       It is also mainstream for people to use their social media to sell products or make a name for a brand. Many individuals can work for companies which pay them to simply advertise their products on social media. This is especially relevant on Instagram, where young people spend time being influenced by what they see as trendy and viable in our culture. This platform gives voice and power to those who normally would not have one. 
      That being said, there is now a concept known as "Instagram-fame"-- in other words, someone can establish credibility simply by maintaining an "aesthetically pleasing" Instagram page with interesting, envy-worthy posts that makes them stand out among the billions of Instagram users. 
      All in all, the purpose of this media platform has shifted, providing more opportunities for its users. It has become a place for advertisement, social expression, and fame, unlike any other social media before it. 


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