The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court 

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           How is it possible that a document that was written 200 years ago can still have relevance today? The United States Constitution, written in 1787, guides the Supreme Court in making decisions that impact the entire nation. It is somewhat mind boggling to consider the amount of forethought the construction of the Constitution must have required seeing as though it still carries applicability.
          In the video, "The Supreme Court of the United States", the justices comment on the fact that it is remarkable that the system that worked 200 years ago works today. It is a difficult process to propose and pass a new amendment, and some of the most influential amendments were passed very early on in our country's history. Yet, they still provide guidance to our modern day judiciary. This ideology has increased the stability of the judiciary system by giving it more credibility and consistency. The American people trust the method because it has been tested and proven worthy time and time again. There have been slight modifications made, but the original Constitution has established itself as the ultimate basis for successful, democratic government.

"The Supreme Court of the United States" video


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