5 Eyes

5 Eyes

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          5 Eyes; an organization originating from the second World War in order to more efficiently increase the communication between and intelligence shared by the United States and Great Britain. Formed in 1946, the purpose of the alliance was to share "vital information mainly between Britain and the United States so both countries could enhance their close war effort" (Tossini, 1). It slowly grew to encompass Canada, New Zealand, and Australia as the other primarily English speaking countries. The purpose of the organization shifted at the end of the war to become "an infrastructure of surveillance with a global reach" (Tossini, 1). In other words, each country provides the others access to high profile information regarding their specific spheres of the world:
Britain monitors Europe, Western Russia, Middle East and Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the United States also oversees the Middle East plus China, Russia, Africa and the Caribbean. Australia is responsible for South and East Asia and New Zealand for the South Pacific and Southeast Asia. Canada monitors the interior of Russia and China and parts of Latin America. In spite of this division, they work mainly together, and the ‘final product’ generally is a result of more than one of its members; helping each other is an essential part of this agreement (Tossini, 1).
           In all honesty, I had no idea this partnership existed, and I would say that many people are unaware of it as well. It isn't something that receives much attention by the media, but I feel that it would if more people were conscious of it. It is a bit concerning that this alliance exists, considering that these other countries have access to many of the top-secret documents concerning almost all parts of the world. The most unsettling aspect is that these other countries have access to the documents of the United States. 
          On the other hand, these five countries are most at peace with one another. There are little to no conflicts regarding the five, and this ensures the trust between them. Also, the five governments have similar structures and values in regards to running a country. With that in mind, it makes sense that they would join forces in order to protect the free world from those with intentions to hurt it. They can supply each other with the resources to counter terrorism and well as subdue possible threats from enemy countries. 
         It is important that citizens of any of these countries understand the context that surrounds the alliance. It has an impact on our nations place on the global scale and could directly impact our personal security. It's up to the individual to decide how to regard the 5 Eyes Alliance and to stay as informed as possible on the treaties and alliances that our country makes with others. 

The Five Eyes – The Intelligence Alliance of the Anglosphere


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