Pursuing Freedom of Speech on the College Campus

Pursuing Freedom of Speech on the College Campus

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        This past Saturday--March 2, 2019--President Trump mentioned an order that will force all college campuses to allow free speech of all kinds. This statement was prompted by a situation at the University of California, Berkley, where a man named Hayden Williams was recruiting college students for a conservative organization. He was verbally assaulted and then punched twice by another man. 
        The president allegedly believes that young conservatives on college campuses are not guaranteed the same freedom of speech as their more liberal counterparts-- therefore, he would like to impose a bill that diminishes funding for the school if it does not protect the freedom of speech of all of its students. 
        Firstly, I am curious to see if this bill will actually be considered-- it seems that the president may have said it in the moment without much thought. Since his speech he has not elaborated on the concept and this possibly suggests the idea may not be brought to fruition. On the other hand, I also wonder--if the bill is passed-- if it will cover all colleges and universities, public and private. As of now, private universities do not follow the same freedom of speech rules as a public organization would. This makes it more difficult to file for violation of freedom of speech. There is more leeway for a private institution to control its students' and faculty's speech. If this bill would reach actuality, would the rules change for these private facilities? It will be interesting to observe if the norm will change, and what that will entail for college and university students. 

"Trump Says He Will Sign Free Speech Order for College Campuses"


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