Eight Values of Free Expression

Eight Values of Free Expression

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       There are many values of American free expression that distinguish our country from any other. Our emphasis on free speech without penalty and our right to disagree with our government are just two rights that many other countries are not given. However, one of the most differentiating factors is our ability to participate in self-government. 
       Not only are candidates for office allowed to demonstrate their full range of opinion, those electing them into office are given the chance to judge, criticize, and voice a dissenting idea against those candidates. In many other countries this liberty is not given, leaving citizens to hope for the best when a position of office is filled. Allowing a free flow of speech gives way for new concepts and innovative solutions to be created, discussed, and ultimately perpetuated into American culture and law. This is of utmost benefit to the nation as a whole. If this liberty was diminished, the potential of the American people to check the government's actions would be limited, putting our freedoms at risk. 
       This free expression value is one that gives way to other values of free expression such as the "market place of ideas", stable change, promoting innovation, and checks on governmental power. If we could not scrutinize the government, our free speech would be reduced. This would lead to a minimization of the "marketplace of ideas", which would weaken the country's ability for innovation and progression. This value of free expression is a perfect gateway to the other ideals that shape our country into a place for criticism without fear of penalty and expression without limitation.  
      Self-government sets a standard that allows for the American people to have a voice on the governmental stage. The power to not only elect officials but to then criticize and make suggestions  after they are elected gives the power back to the common person. Therefore, we establish a government "for the people, by the people", just as the Founding Fathers intended. 


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